i'm sitting here on facebook and watching family feud (been doing this for hours). everyone is posting pictures and status' of the nashville flooding. it all has made me reflect on my life more and the changes soon to come. i always wanted to have a blog, like my friesties [friends+besties] shelz&&sandi. they have had blogs forever and they reflect everything in their life. i had for one point thought i wanted a fashion blog or something like that, but i realize i want someone that is a mirror to me and my life to help others understand me more. today is a HOT day!!! omg. i guess after all that water we get heat. i am so blessed that my house and family is okay. my heart goes out to the families that are in despair. i hope to use this blog to vent and get things off of my mind, (&&maybe even tell some secrets) ;)
-->hope people really like it&&that i can make it great. see yah.