i have decided that for now; ima try to think like a boy when it comes to dating&love.
ima talk to a variety of different types of dudes. &this might help me refine my taste. :)
currently i talk to like 4 or 5 boys.
i am not a permiscuous [spelld wrong] girl
but boys like the chase and dont deserve to be chased. i have figured out.
one boy "cuteface"; met at LAX
is cute&this has brainwashd him to thinkng all girls will approach and chase him
he has came after me more and harder knowing that i do not seem interestedd
two boy "oldhead"; met at kenyas&on fbook kinda
he is experienced and I rele dnt understand y he is even interested
but ima jusht go with the flow...came to see me at work today too. [no boy has done that]
three boy "flipflirt"; we have talkd before
i been attracted to him
he's soo cute. juhst came to see me today. :)
four boy "stephon"
loved me
hated me
loved me
five boy "younger"
thats all. he's younger. stupider. slower. confuser.
ohh yea&&tony kinda in the picture in the corner. lol
boys. boys. boys.
im not a [p l a y e r] i jusht [c r u s h] alot
:) <333333